Mongolian eagle hunters are the masters of falconry in Asia. Hunting has been an essential part of the Mongolian way of life for centuries. One of the interesting techniques is falconry. The hunters are known as the Mongolian Eagle Hunters.
Falconry is an important tradition among the Mongols. The Mongolian Eagle Hunters have been practicing this form of hunting for over 2,000 years. Falconry involves training birds, such as eagles and falcons, to hunt small animals like foxes and hares. They do this while riding horseback across the vast landscape of Mongolia.
Falconry is a skill usually passed down through generations and with more Mongols leaving the nomadic lifestyle to find job opportunities in the cities, the number of bird hunters have declined.
Why are Eagles used for hunting?
The reason for hunting with golden eagles may be for different than you might expect. The bird hunters use the eagles, known as berkut, primarily for fur instead of meat. The main prey species are foxes, hares, wild cats who are no match for the Siberian golden eagle.
The large females, who can weigh over 6 kilogram, are mostly used for hunting. The have a wingspan of an incredible 2 meters, with 6 centimeters long talons.
Not all Eagles are Warriors
Not all wild eagles who are caught can be trained to hunt with. As the Mongolian hunters say, not all eagles are warriors. But there is also the case of injuries.
Injuries might happen to the eagle while being on the hunt. In that case the Mongolian hunters release the eagles back in to the wild.
How Do The Mongols Catch an Eagle
The golden eagles are usually captured from their nests while only being a couple months old. It is old enough for the eagle to survive being away from the best, but it’s not yet able to fly.
The hunters nurture and train the animal, and a relationship between the two follows.
Mongolian Eagle Hunting Season
Hunting season takes place during the winter months when the landscapes are covered in snow. The eagles gives birth during the spring so the hunting stops.
During the summer months you can find the eagles chained to a rock or wooden stands. Here they will be fed to grow big and strong. The Mongols have a very strong and close connection with their eagles, taking great care of them.
The eagles stay with the hunters anywhere between four and ten years, depending on here breeding age. When released, the hunters take the eagle far away in the hope she won’t return.
Mongolian Eagle Hunters are Well-known in the World
Over the last years, the art of hunting with eagles by the Mongols is well-known. You can find interesting documentaries online and tourists come to Mongolia to witness it for themself.
In 2000 they started organizing the yearly Eagle Festivals, where tourists can witness the art of falconry. They are being held in the months September and October.