The Mouse Spider (Missulena bradleyi) is a venomous spider that is found throughout Australia. Despite its name, the Mouse Spider is not a rodent but is named for its plump, mouse-like appearance.
The Mouse Spider is a medium-sized spider, with a body length of up to 3.5 cm. The female is usually larger than the male and is identified by her shiny black body and bulbous abdomen. Which is usually dark brown or black. The male is smaller and usually has a bright red head and jaws.
The Mouse Spider is found throughout Australia and is commonly found in burrows and holes in the ground. Where you can find it under rocks and logs, and in crevices in buildings. It prefers dry, sandy or rocky habitats. This spider is mostly active during the warmer months of the year.
It is a ground-dwelling spider that is nocturnal and preys on insects, other spiders, and small lizards. It is known for its aggressive behavior and can deliver a painful bite if disturbed.
While its venom is not as potent as some other Australian spiders, it can still cause serious health effects.
The venom of this spider contains a potent neurotoxin. Which means it affects the nervous system and can cause muscle spasms, sweating, vomiting, and nausea. In severe cases, it can lead to respiratory failure and death.
If bitten by a Mouse Spider, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. Applying a pressure immobilization bandage to the affected limb can help slow the spread of the venom until medical treatment is available.
The Mouse Spider is a venomous spider that is found throughout Australia. While it is not as well-known as some of the other Australian spiders, it is still capable of delivering a painful and potentially life-threatening bite. Awareness of the risks associated with the Mouse Spider and seeking medical attention in the event of a bite can help prevent serious complications and ensure a speedy recovery.
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